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Leasing of A hotel or restaurant 

In principle, leasing is not very different from selling a catering property. Because in most cases the decisive parameters are completely identical. Only that the property is not acquired but only left in a lease.  What exactly to watch out for  must, which services and added value we provide, listed in chronological order.

1. The preparation


1.1 Owner or even lessee
It happens again and again that the current tenant is looking for a successor himself. However, it is important to clarify beforehand whether this is in the interests of the owner.
  It is of course best to get the owner's written consent. Because in the end it is always the owner who decides, as he is also the contractual partner in the lease. This is the only way to ensure that a new tenant can be successfully placed. 

1.2 Numbers instead of painting
There are always good reasons why the current lease is terminated.
  In order to show a potential new tenant the chances of success, a previously successfully run business should always disclose sales figures.  Of course, the turnover also depends on the restaurateur himself, but it is not a disadvantage for the new tenant to have the good turnover of the predecessor in mind. But fixed costs such as energy costs are also helpful for planning. Of course, due to the pandemic, the last 2 years are not meaningful. We therefore recommend using the figures from 2018 or 2019 as a basis. 

1.3 Important key data
When taking over a catering business, it is helpful for the new tenant to have a list of the companies with whom they have worked in the past:

  • Beverage supplier

  • Brewery (bound by contract Y / N?)

  • Laundry service

  • Wholesale market  

  • energy supplier

  • Existing service contracts for inventory

  • Etc.

1.4 Inventory
Depending on whether inventory is taken over, it is essential to create a complete list of the existing inventory. The new tenant then of course decides for himself whether he will continue to use everything or bring his own inventory to use.
  However, if a transfer fee or deposit is to be paid, the value of the inventory must be documented using the list.


1.5 Illustration / tender

As with the sale of a catering property, care should be taken to ensure that beautiful pictures, videos, if necessary a virtual tour, all floor plans and information on the competitive situation in the area are used or built in. When it comes to determining a reasonable lease, we have a separate article online here .  Of course, we can also help you determine an appropriate rent. Particularly since the outbreak of the pandemic, special features have to be taken into account.  



2. Marketing - search for tenants


2.1 Which media occupy?
All preparations have been completed. Now you face the challenge of which media are used to address the perfect tenant.
  It depends very much on the property itself, the location and the estimated rent. Using these parameters, we choose the right strategy for the "media plan".  From the usual real estate portals to specialist media to the very personal addressing of potential tenants via our address database, we play the full range.  Nowadays, of course, there is no way around social media.  We have long been established here and have a large network of restaurateurs and investors. Even with the costs for the advertisements you can very quickly reach several thousand euros and the costs definitely exceed the costs for a broker, who of course has different purchase conditions and quotas for the respective media. 

2.2 The applicant check
The quality of the applications are completely different. Both in the application itself and in the suitability to run a catering business.
  We make the pre-selection here by requesting a self-assessment using our form in the first step. After studying this information, we make an initial selection and then make phone calls to the interesting candidates. The applicants who appear suitable are put on the shortlist. Criteria such as experience, quality of previous positions, creditworthiness but also the quality of the application itself are important. 

2.3. Visits and getting to know each other personally

The lease applicants on the shortlist are invited to an appointment to view the property.  In preparation, you will receive a complete applicant profile from us with the relevant key data and our assessment.  The viewing appointment is of course also used to get to know each other. Because the chemistry between the lessor and the lessee also has to be right.  You then decide who your new tenant will be.


Pachtvertrag Gastronomie

3. Processing 

3.1 Lease Agreement

The lease agreement is the basis for starting a good lease. The clarity, completeness and legal conformity must be ensured. We are happy to provide our experience and of course also templates for a suitable contract. However, we do not accept any liability and we strongly recommend checking with a lawyer before signing.

3.2. Inventory list

As a rule, in the case of a lease, the property is handed over in an inventory. The recording and documentation of the individual items / devices is part of the process. Here, the lessor must decide whether and which items are to be provided.  However, a tenant can also bring his own inventory into the business and, if necessary, do not need equipment on the inventory list, but use his own inventory. It is therefore very important to document the inventory list accurately and completely.  

3.3. handing over

Of course, we document the handover of the restaurant or hotel in all details, create a protocol and have this signed by all parties present.  We do this directly on site with the appropriate digital equipment. This way we avoid misunderstandings or discussions afterwards.  

Do you want to lease your gastronomy property or your hotel? 
Then contact us: 

Makler Gastronomie Immobilien
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